Fire Extinguisher
SENTRY Stored Pressure Dry Chemical Extinguisher
SENTRY dry chemical extinguishers are designed for the protection of light and ordinary hazards. These compact and portable extinguishers are suited for both industrial and commercial fire protection needs. Found virtually anywhere a general-purpose fire extinguisher is needed, SENTRY dry chemical extinguishers are ideal for schools, offices, and auto repair shops.
SENTRY High-Flow Stored-Pressure Fire Extinguishers
SENTRY High-Flow, Stored-Pressure Fire Extinguishers are designed specifically for commercial, compliance markets. This portable fire extinguisher provides cost effective. high performing fire suppression to meet the requirements of NFPA 10 Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers.
SENTRY Carbon Dioxide Extinguishers
Every year, a variety of incidents leads to fires that cost businesses their critical assets. SENTRY carbon dioxide extinguishers provide the power to respond quickly and effectively by design to protect against Class B and Class C fires. These extinguishers are well suited for indoor use in furnace rooms, printing presses, pump rooms, and electrical power.
SENTRY Water Extinguishers
As with other stored pressure fire extinguishers in the SENTRY brand product line. SENTRY Water Extinguishers are designed to extinguish Class A hazards only. Class A hazards such as wood, cloth, trash, and other materials that leave ash are often found in office environments and industrial locations, as well as warehouse and oxidizing chemical
K-Guard Fire Extinguisher
UPDATE — We are pleased to announce that the ANSUL K-GUARD Fire Extinguisher is now 2-A: K rated. Choose ANSUL K-GUARD as your preferred restaurant fire extinguisher and meet NFPA 10 solid fuel cooking requirements for a firebox size of 5ft 3 or less. This upgraded 2-A rating also means compliance with NFPA 10 fire extinguisher size.
RED LINE Wheeled Units Dry Chemical
RED LINE Wheeled Extinguishers are designed to protect high fire-risk areas where the potential for large fires exists. These heavy duty units have greater extinguishing agent capacities than hand portable extinguishers. yet are mobile and can be operated by one person. Many applications can benefit from the protection offered by these extinguishers.
RED LINE Wheeled Units Carbon Dioxide
RED LINE Carbon Dioxide Wheeled Fire Extinguishers are designed to protect areas where Class B or Class C fires could occur. They may be used indoors where winds and drafts do not affect discharge or where a clean extinguishing agent is required. These extinguishers provide maximum protection in settings such as aircraft hangers, quench tanks, and paint spray.
RED LINE Cartridge-Operated Hand Portables – Dry Chemical
RED LINE cartridge-operated fire extinguishers are the premium firefighting units preferred by safety directors worldwide in high-risk industries such as chemical, petrochemical, oil and gas, mining, aviation, and power generation. Cartridge-operated means increased reliability, on-the-spot recharge, ease of service, and superior performance. Typical.
CLEANGUARD Clean Agent Extinguishers
CLEANGUARD Clean Agent Extinguishers are designed to protect commercial and industrial facilities that typically contain sensitive or irreplaceable assets that could be damaged or destroyed by water, foam, dry chemicals, or carbon dioxide. They are ideal for computer centers, data/document storage areas, communications facilities, and control.
CLEANGUARD MR Conditional Extinguishers
CLEANGUARD MR Conditional Extinguishers offer many of the same features as the standard CLEANGUARD Clean Agent Extinguishers but are made for environments where MR Conditional extinguishers are required, such as magnetic imaging rooms, semiconductor fabrication facilities, and similar applications.